KONTAKT – Journal of Nursing and Social Sciences related to Health and Illness

EISSN 1804-7122; ISSN 1212-4117

Founded: 1999

Indexing: Web of Science (ESCI), Scopus, EBSCO, DOAJ, Crossref, ProQuest, Research4Life (Hinary – biomedical and health literature)

2023 CiteScore (Scopus): 0,6
2022 Journal Impact Factor (Clarivate): 0.3
2022 Journal Citation Reports (Clarivate): 0.11
2023 Acceptance Rates: 22%

Manuscripts can be submitted via online system only: kont.zsf.jcu.cz

It is the official journal of the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences of the University of South Bohemia in Ceske Budejovice in the Czech Republic, published quarterly in English language. Published by Elsevier since 2014 until 2018. Kontakt accepts for publication original research, review articles, letters to editor and interesting case reports, on all aspects of nursing, health and social problems related to health and illness. The journal is registered in Bibliographia medica Cechoslovaca (BMC) and is a member of COPE (Commitee on Publication Ethics).

KONTAKT is an open access journal. KONTAKT levies an article-processing charge of € 150 for each article accepted for publication, plus VAT or local taxes where applicable. This fee helps to cover part of the publishing costs. Submitted, but not accepted articles are not charged.

Editorial office accepts articles in English language, in Czech and Slovak language are acceptable as well. After reviews, Czech and Slovak corrected versions are sent to authors for translation. All articles are reviewed by at least two independent reviewers. The review process is reciprocally anonymous. Without English version, the article can not be published.

Articles are published in two sections:

1. The nursing section focuses on the support of nursing via the dissemination of the latest, evidence-based peer reviewed findings. The section serves as a forum for the exchange of knowledge relating to the education of nurses, the exchange of knowledge and skills in clinical nursing, the development of nursing concepts and innovation in health policy. It deals with the legal and ethical issues, nurses' views on patient safety, nursing activities in multicultural environments and progress in nursing practice.

The main topic areas include:

  • Clinical nursing
  • Management in nursing
  • Evidence-based nursing
  • Multicultural nursing
  • Nursing ethics
  • Quality of life in illness

2. The social sciences in health section accepts contributions relating to any aspect of health from a broad perspective of the social sciences, including the medical impact on society. It also accepts contributions dealing with ethical issues in health care, risk management and the impact of political and economic conditions in the field of health. The aim of the articles is to develop understanding and to provide practical application of quantitative and qualitative research methods concerning the management, application or use of the research in health and social care.

The main topic areas include:

  • Social determinants of health
  • Social work and health
  • Legal and economic issues concerning health
  • Ethical issues in social sciences and health